Beautiful Body Clinics

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Client Success Story - Cara’s Surprise Transformation Journey.

Cara was curious about the effectiveness of the treatment and whether it could address her specific concerns.

Success Story of Cara*

Meet Cara, a hard working woman in her early 60s, juggling the demands of a full-time job as a disability support worker while also being a devoted mother to two young adults.

Success Story of Cara

Cara’s life revolves around caring for others, ensuring their needs are met before her own. Despite her selfless nature, Cara found herself struggling with a common concern – the size of her belly. Determined to prioritize her well-being for a change, Cara sought a solution and embarked on a transformative journey with fat freezing at Beautiful Body Clinics.

The Treatment

Upon her first visit, Cara expressed her desire to explore fat freezing treatments as a potential solution to reduce the size of her belly. Like many individuals, Cara was curious about the effectiveness of the treatment and whether it could address her specific concerns. After her initial consultation, Cara decided to proceed with two sessions of fat freezing.

The journey towards visible results took time, as is the case with many non-invasive procedures. Cara returned for her review appointment at the three-month mark, unsure of the changes she might observe. To her surprise, the transformation was more significant than she had anticipated. The true impact became evident when comparing before-and-after photos, revealing a substantial reduction in the appearance of her belly.

The Results

One of the most noticeable improvements was in the overhang of Cara’s lower belly – a common concern for women who have undergone C-section births. Much to Cara's delight, this area had completely disappeared, marking a remarkable achievement in her fat freezing journey. The fat freezing results not only met but exceeded Cara's expectations, instilling a newfound sense of confidence and satisfaction.

Thrilled with her initial success, Cara didn't hesitate to embrace the prospect of further fat freezing results. She decided to book another round of fat freezing treatments specifically targeting her belly, hopeful that additional sessions would deliver even more fantastic results.

The future

Cara's success story highlights the transformative power of fat freezing and its ability to address specific areas of concern. Beyond the visible changes, Cara's experience underscores the importance of taking the time to appreciate and celebrate personal victories, no matter how small or seemingly routine.

As Cara continues her fat freezing journey, she serves as an inspiration to others who may be considering non-invasive solutions for body contouring. Her commitment to self-care, paired with the effectiveness of fat freezing, showcases the potential for achieving remarkable results while embracing the unique beauty that comes with age and experience.

In the end, Cara's story goes beyond the physical transformation – it is a testament to the empowerment that comes with prioritizing one's well-being. As Cara eagerly anticipates her upcoming fat freezing sessions, it’s so beautiful to see how she radiates confidence, embodying the belief that everyone deserves to feel comfortable and content in their own skin.

We love to help transform lives at beautiful Body Clinics, our fat-freezing treatments are safe, with no down time and quality assured. Take the first step on your journey with us by booking a free, in-person, or video consultation.

Does fat freezing really work?

As cryolipolysis freezes the fat cells on the treated area, the treatment is suitable for almost everyone, provided we are able to gain a suitable amount of tissue into the applicator head. The size and location of fat pockets are different on every individual therefore we are happy to conduct a free assessment for suitability. We also appreciate that we all have our own idea of how we want to look. We do not judge as we have all been there.

What one person believes is fantastic and what feels great may not be right for another. We appreciate that low weight and underweight people can have pockets of fat that they can’t get rid of despite diet and exercise, however we do take a very responsible attitude when recommending treatment for underweight clients. Ideally, our clients will have a BMI of between 18 to 30.

For clients with a BMI higher than 30, the treatment will still work but the results will not be as visible. Certain medical conditions and medications (particularly blood thinners) need to be considered/ paused before cryolipolysis treatment. This will be discussed over the during your pre-treament assessment.

To help you understand your suitability to fat freezing we have created a free 5 minute quiz for you.

We will assess your body type, weight, current habits, and your mindset and motivation. At the end of the quiz you will get a score to help you understand your suitability. Please watch the video and you can take the quiz here.

Fat-freezing treatment at Beautiful Body Clinics

At Beautiful Body Clinics - we offer our Behavioural Change Program to our clients so that their fat-freezing results are improved, and health and wellness knowledge is gained so that ongoing weight loss is achievable if this is desired.  We like to provide this holistic support program as we love helping men and women love their Beautiful Bodies.

We offer free consultations in our Melbourne clinic for fat-freezing treatment or via video. Call us at 1300 2639 669 to get started on your journey toward achieving a more beautiful body.

* Cara’s name has been changed to protect her confidentiality.